Musharaka finance

BB Bank > Musharaka finance

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Musharaka finance

  • Account Information
  • Key benefits and features
  • Requirements
Musharakah may sometimes include Shirkah al-Amal, where a joint partnership is formed to render some services without requiring any capital investment.
  • Musharaka means partnership business
  • Musharaka contract is executed between the Bank and the client.
  • Equity is provided by the Bank and customer according to an agreed ratio.
  • Profit is shared by the Bank and customer according to an agreed ratio.
  • Banks can advise customer or take part in the management of the Business.
  • Filled facility application form
  • Certificate of registration (CR)
  • 3 years audited accounts
  • 12 months bank statement
  • Flexible security i.e., logbook or title deed.
  • Director's joint and several guarantees
  • Company profile (overview)
  • Irrevocable salary assignment instructions from employer
  • Three most recent months' pay slips from employer
  • Employment Letter clearly stipulating the terms of engagement